In the absence of such a designation, the managing directors or the directors shall elect from among themselves an acting chairman of the board of directors. 董事长未指定代理人者,由常务董事或董事互推一人代理之。
Report directly to the CEO, Managing Director, Board of Directors or owner of the business; 直接向CEO、常务董事、董事会或企业所有者报告;
Establishing and Managing Enterprise Groups in China Study of the Board of Directors 'Governance in Corporate-in-list 中国企业集团的组建与管理七论社会主义条件下的股份制度上市公司董事会治理研究九论社会主义条件下的股份制度
Second, perfecting the structure of managing of company, improving the structure of stock of company, widening the structure of stock of company, widening the bottleneck that the board of directors worked, developing the organization investor energetically; 完善公司治理结构,改善公司股权结构,拓宽董事会运作的瓶颈,大力发展机构投资者;
On Managing Government ON MANAGING CITY The third part is the international comparison of the board of directors managing, and draw lessons from it. 第三部分是董事会治理的国际借鉴,通过三种国际模式的比较、分析和评价,提出了对我国董事会治理的启示和借鉴。
The board of company should not become the target of public criticism. The voice to strengthen supervision to it exceed from one wave to another one. Other problems of managing company have been concealed among the condemnation to the board of directors. 现在对其加强监管的呼声一浪高过一浪,公司治理制度的其他问题或多或少地掩盖在对董事会的指责中。